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Boston Sub Aqua Club – Hosting Midlands IFC Course 14-15 Oct 2023

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The latest IFC course is being held at the Boston BSAC club house on the weekend of 14 – 15th October 2023.

The club is not only hosting the training event, but we also have three of our club members participating and beginning their first steps towards becoming club instructors.

In normal times, BSAC volunteer instructors introduce around 5,000 people to diving and snorkelling every year. Instructing can be incredibly rewarding, and currently, many clubs are looking for more instructors, so now is a great time to take that first step towards becoming an instructor.

From BSAC Sports Diver (or equivalent such as PADI Rescue Diver) you can start training to become a scuba instructor, enabling you to get involved in delivering your club’s training.

This could make a real difference for your club. The Instructor Foundation Course (IFC) is the first step in that journey.

The two-day IFC is a great introduction to teaching diving theory and practical skills, allowing you to join BSAC’s network of highly skilled diving instructors. The course is good fun and gives you a chance to mix with divers from far and wide. Once you have attended an IFC you will be an Assistant Diving Instructor. You can then begin to teach diving in a club with the help of qualified instructors.

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